Legal Help When a Loved One Passes Away
Metro Area: (952) 888-2400
Toll-Free: 1-888-910-5297
Legal Help When a Loved One Passes Away
Metro Area: (952) 888-2400
Toll-Free: 1-888-910-5297
Metro Area: (952) 888-2400
Toll-Free: 1-888-910-5297
Metro Area: (952) 888-2400
Toll-Free: 1-888-910-5297
Peterson Law Office, LLC,3601 Minnesota Drive Suite 835,Bloomington, MN 55435
Twin Cities Metro Area: (952) 888-2400 Toll-Free:1-888-910-5297 Email:
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When a Loved One has passed away, it is hard to think about things that the family needs to do. Often there are brothers, sisters or children who may be angry or impatient. Assets of the family estate can be lost or damaged. Bills need to be paid and some heirs may want to divide the estate assets immediately. Our office has helped hundreds of families to help get things done and regain the peace of mind that the deceased family member would have wanted for you. Call us today.
In the old days, a family would often take weeks or months to adjust to the passing of a Loved One. Nowadays, the family, society and the government press to get things done more quickly. Our firm prides itself on being compassionate and caring for the grieving family. At the same time, our goals are also to provide probate services that are fast, fair to all family members and as worry-free as possible for the family.
Even when the death has been expected, the shock of the loss of a Loved One can be confusing and overwhelming. We offer a free, no-obligation telephone call that can help keep things on the right track for you and your family. Our phones are answered 24 hours, 7 days a week. The phone call is confidential and without obligation. Press the button below or call us in the Twin Cities Metro Area at
(952) 888-2400 or Toll-Free at 1-888-910-5297.
After a death there are deadlines of government, the courts and creditors that must be met. What's more, assets can lose value and predators can take advantage of the family. It is important that you obtain the help of an experienced probate lawyer soon after the death of your Loved One.